Auto Salvage in Fort Myers, FL Helps with Abandoned Cars

by | Nov 1, 2013 | Automotive And Cars

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Have you ever heard the term “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure?” Well, it is true, and many “treasures” are found in cars that need to be junked or in what has become an apparent public hazard among transportation, abandoned cars. Abandoned cars are a nuisance to the public arena and the Department of Motor Vehicles because of the various problems they create. More often than not, an abandoned auto is unregistered or the VIN is scratched up or difficult to see. Because they are abandoned, people will use them as places to dispose of garbage or other waste. These vehicles also usually have hazardous liquids remaining in the gas tank, oil reservoir or other automotive fluid receptacles.

People who abandon cars do so for multiple reasons. The car may be old and has broken down, so they leave it, not knowing what to do with it. Secluded resort areas such as in Martha’s Vineyard and Key West, FL are confounded with old cars that were used for short distance transportation around the island, but are dumped due to the vehicle being beyond repair. This problem is complicated when terrible weather such as hurricanes or tropical storms invade the area, leaving a trail of more abandoned cars as a result of the flooding.

Do not become an irresponsible person or allow your automobile to become a public statistic. Why dump your clunker? It is treasure to someone; and that someone could be “right around the corner!” An auto salvage in Fort Myres FL by the name of Top Dollar Clunkers wants to “meet you at the corner” and offer you top dollar for your junked auto.

top dollar clunkers service Cape Coral, Matiacha, Lee County and the surrounding areas. They want to take your junk cars off your hands before they turn into abandoned vehicles, creating a hazard in the area. They will come and pick up your vehicle, even if it is not running, and offer you top dollar for it. It is a win-win situation! As an Auto Salvage in Fort Myers, FL buyer, they prevent from having to worry about what to do when those Florida storms assault your vehicle and leave it beyond repair.