Times are hard there is no question about it all to often the only option is to look through your beloved jewelry to obtain much needed cash. There seems to be buy gold offers everywhere nowadays and yet don’t forget the old tried and true method available leaving you the option to get your jewelry back, the pawn shop. There are still reputable places available to sell jewelry in Marietta or pawn it for loan.
If you take the loan option you give the pawn shop your jewelry for a set amount of money, know as a collateral cash loan. The cherished diamond ring, gold necklaces or earrings you received as gifts mean more than the dollar value and yet financial hardships leave you with no other option. It is for this reason you would much rather pawn your precious keepsakes than to sell them out right never to see them again. In order to receive a collateral pawn loan a person must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid picture ID, drivers license or state ID, etc to qualify.
There are safe and reputable locations to sell jewelry in Marietta. These stores also pawn items, repair and buy jewelry. The first thing to do is gather the item you’re interested in pawning include any laboratory certification such as GIA or EGL to help get more cash for any diamonds you may want to pawn. Safely contain the item bringing it to the shop where the professional staff will evaluate the quality and value of your item.
You may want to bring along a trusted friend for support and security traveling between home and the shop before and after the trade. The shop professionals will provide a safe and relaxed atmosphere with laid back and friendly customer service who understand this is a stressful time for you. They will carefully determine the amount of immediate cash they can offer you, it is then agreed upon. The loan is a 30 day renewable collateral loan where the item is held in a safe until you return to recover it for the amount of money agreed upon. If you do not return to recover it within 30 days it then becomes the property of the shop and is put in store for sale.