Compelling Reasons to Contact a False Claims Act Attorney from Chicago

by | Dec 14, 2020 | Law

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The federal government takes false statements and misrepresentation seriously. There are strict laws in place so that businesses, service providers and others can be held accountable should they misrepresent anything in an official document or in business advertising. There are some compelling reasons to contact a dedicated false claims act attorney from Chicago that anyone in this situation should consider.

Not Every Charge of False Claims Will Be Upheld in Court

Honest mistakes do happen in life, and a business could have unknowingly misrepresented something that was a simple error. A seasoned false claims act attorney in Chicago cautions that the accused does still need to take these charges seriously whether the client intended the false claims or it was a simple mistake. This is a narrow area of law, and many other lawyers simply do not have enough experience in litigating these charges in a courtroom or trial judge hearing.

Some Common Cases of False Claims Charges Explained

A private person could unknowingly provide information to the IRS that isn’t necessarily true. A licensed professional could document a medical event as having no injuries when the patient develops complications down-the-road. Schools and institutes of higher learning must submit numerous details that prove their student’s grades, number of training hours or not checking a student’s previous training level or certification then getting caught later by a false claims review process.

Understand Your Legal Right to Fight False Claims Charges

Call Zimmerman Law Offices to discuss your care.