Reasons You Should Schedule an Immediate Visit with an OBGYN in Carrollton

by | Nov 19, 2013 | Health

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Most women known that they need to be seen by their OBGYN Carrollton on a yearly basis. This is a preventative appointment, to check for any health issues. What few women realize however, is that there are a number of reasons why they may need to schedule an appointment with this doctor outside of their yearly check-up, some of which are more urgent than others. Knowing which things are urgent can help you decide when to call your doctor or when to sit back and wait a few more days. Here are some of the reasons why you may need to schedule an immediate visit with your OBGYN.

Heavy or Long-Lasting Menstrual Bleeding:

Every woman’s cycle is different. As such, what one woman deems as heavy, another woman may deem as normal. And while there are changes from one woman to the next, the consistent thing is is that most women are well aware of what is normal for them. As such, if you are having much heavier bleeding than normal or your cycle is lasting three, four or even five days longer than normal, you need to schedule an appointment and be seen by your OBGYN.

Urinary Tract Infection:

If you feel like you have to constantly urinate, but either only a little or nothing comes out, or if it burns when you urinate, you may have a urinary tract infection. If you suspect or are certain you have this type of infection, you need to be seen by your OBGYN Carrollton. This type of infection can quickly progress into a kidney and/or bladder infection, so you need to be seen and treated promptly.

Vaginal Itching or Burning:

If you have vaginal itching or burning, you can take a luke warm bath or shower, or place an ice pack over your genitals to calm the itching. If this does not work, or the burning and itchiness increases, you need to be seen by a doctor. There are a number of reasons that you may have one or both of these symptoms, including yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and sexually transmitted diseases. The doctor ca figure out the cause and treat the issue.

If you need to be seen by an OBGYN, but you are not sure who to turn too, consider Womens Care of West Georgia LLC. Eric Vera, M.D. and his staff can help you with both preventative and immediate care.