A High-Conflict Divorce Coach Can Help Navigate Turbulent Waters

by | Jul 6, 2021 | Lawyer

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Divorce is rarely, if ever, an easy experience. Even in situations where both parties agree about the split, there can be hard feelings held within. Unfortunately, there are situations when the split is less than amicable.

That is where a high-conflict divorce coach comes in handy. When things turn truly contentious, it can be difficult to be in the same room with your former spouse. That can make the divorce proceedings difficult, dragging them out and escalating the costs.

You Can’t Make the Split Amicable

In instances where a high-conflict divorce coach is needed, things are past the point of amicable. One or both parties are unwilling to work with one another, dragging the process out far longer than it may have gone otherwise.

The biggest issue there is that costs add up quickly. Attorneys are not inexpensive, and those hours spent fighting with your ex are going to add up quickly. That is why it is best to manage the high-conflict divorce as best as you can.

Making the Process Smoother

It is important to know that having a divorce coach won’t necessarily make those bitter feelings go away. It won’t make your ex work with you. But it will give you the tools that you need to move the proceedings along so that you both can move on.

Instead of being mired down in ugly, nasty divorce proceedings, let a divorce coach help. You will come out with more money and more of your mental health intact.