What is a Parenting Plan in a Divorce?

by | Apr 15, 2022 | Legal Services

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There are a lot of questions that come with a divorce. The most common questions have to do with one of two things: assets and children. These are the two most disputed issues throughout the process and lead to the most strife.

One of the most common solutions that come from divorces with children involved is the creation of a parenting plan. But what is a parenting plan in a divorce?

The Parenting Plan

Those asking “what is a parenting plan in a divorce” need to know one thing right up front. The goal in most divorces is not to provide the most amicable solution between the divorcing parties. It is to ensure that the rights of the children involved are protected.

The parenting plan is where both parents wish to remain involved in the lives of their kids. To avoid any potential disagreements, a plan is created that covers expenses, living arrangements, and everything that pertains to the care of the children.

Creating a Better Post-Divorce Situation

Divorce is hard on kids. That is no secret. But with a proper parenting plan in place, it can be slightly less difficult. By ensuring that all the important details have been hashed out, it can create some structure where only chaos had previously reigned.

While divorce is never going to be easy for children, parents can at least have reassurances that the needs of their kids will be met no matter what happens. Because that is what a parenting plan is about.