Storm Clean-Up and Tree Removal in Greenville, SC

by | Jan 24, 2023 | Tree Service

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Professional tree removal companies, such as Out On A Limb Tree Service, will safely remove large and unruly trees in your yard. You may have watched some videos online on how to remove a tree, but it is never a good idea to attempt a DIY tree removal. Trees must be cut at a specific angle with specific tools or they can fall and damage their surroundings. If the tree is close to your home, you will risk damaging your roof, drywall, siding, and home structure. A tree could also hit the electric lines, causing a potentially deadly situation. Like anywhere, tree removal in Greenville, SC should only be performed by a professional tree removal company.

Storm Damage

Greenville, SC is subject to significant storm weather. Wind speeds can exceed 60 mph, easily knocking over trees around your home. You can prevent further storm damage by employing pruning and tree removal services through a local company. Instead of waiting for a dead tree to fall, you can proactively call a tree removal service. They will supply the tools and equipment necessary to not only remove the tree from the ground but also dispose of the leftover wood.


High-speed winds can easily rip living trees out of the ground and knock them over. After a major storm, it is devastating to discover a tree has fallen into your roof, crushing the roofing system. Professional tree removal in Greenville, SC may be covered by your homeowner’s insurance. The best tree removal service will work directly with your homeowner’s insurance company. They will provide your insurance company with the proper documents to verify the work has been completed.

For more information Contact Out On A Limb Tree Service or Visit website.