Safe substance use can enhance certain celebrations. However, there comes a time when substance use turns into substance abuse. Substance abuse can lead to tolerance and a physical addiction. When you become addicted to a substance, your body’s cravings can make it very difficult to refrain from using. Here are some signs that you should consider the best addiction rehab in Arizona.
Consequences Related to Your Substance Use
Have you experienced consequences resulting from your substance abuse, such as getting arrested for DUI or getting fired from your job? These consequences should be a wake-up call that your habits have gotten out of hand. You should get help before you experience more severe consequences.
Social Withdrawal
People in our social circle can often identify when you aren’t your normal self. You may choose to avoid talking to friends and family or attending certain events so that people won’t be able to see you under the influence. You will start to lose your close relationships due to this and feel lonely, which can lead to depression.
Change in Temperament
You act differently when you are on certain substances. In many cases, substances can make you more irritable and aggressive. You may also become overly defensive. If you find yourself becoming snippy with people more easily, treatment may be able to bring back your friendly disposition.
Intense Cravings
If you try to stop but can’t handle the cravings, you need help. You can go to addiction rehab in Arizona to get help with working through the cravings.