When Is the Appropriate Time to Call on Air Conditioning Services in Blair, NE?

by | Dec 28, 2023 | Air Conditioning

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Blair, NE, is known to experience hot and humid weather, especially during summer. Most people use air conditioning to stay cool and comfortable in their homes or offices. However, like any other mechanical device, air conditioning units have a lifespan and require regular maintenance to function optimally. Knowing when to call on air conditioning services in Blair, NE, is vital before your unit breaks down entirely and forces you to replace it.

In this blog post, we’ll highlight specific scenarios that warrant calling in air conditioning services in Blair, NE.

When Your Unit is Blowing Warm Air

If your air conditioning system is blowing warm or hot air instead of cold air, it could mean your compressor or refrigerant is experiencing issues. You should call air conditioning professionals to inspect your system and fix the problem. Operating your unit with these issues will damage the compressor and force you to replace the entire unit.

When Your Unit is Making Unusual Noises

Air conditioning units are designed to run smoothly and relatively quietly. Any unusual sound, such as grinding, screeching, or banging, should cause concern. This could mean a part is worn out or loose, causing the noise. Ignoring the issue will lead to more significant problems that may require more repairs and expenses.

When Your Unit isn’t Blowing Sufficient Air

If your air conditioning system isn’t blowing enough air, it could signify that your system’s motors, belts, or ducts need maintenance. Clogged filters could also lead to decreased air supply. If left unserved, it will lead to poor performance and high energy bills.

When Your System Hasn’t Been Serviced in Over a Year

Regular maintenance keeps your unit working at peak performance levels. Routine service via Vandemark Heating and Cooling will also identify and solve potential issues before they escalate into more significant problems. It’s advisable to have your unit serviced at least once a year by experienced air conditioning professionals. Skipping yearly maintenance could lead to costly repairs or premature system failure.