How to Prevent Fussy Children While at The Kids Dentist in Tinley Park

by | Jan 5, 2024 | Pediatric Dentistry

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It is not always easy to visit the kid`s dentist in Tinley Park, especially with multiple children. Your child may not be afraid of the dentist, but they may become restless in the waiting room. You need a plan to avoid taking fussy children to the kid`s dentist in Tinley Park.

Timing Is Everything

Timing is everything when scheduling your children’s dentist appointments. For instance, you should never schedule the appointment during your baby or toddler’s naptime or lunchtime. Throwing a young child off their routine can be a recipe for disaster.

Bring The Essentials

Pack an essentials bag the night before and do not forget to grab it. It should have everything from a comfort toy in the waiting room to a few snacks for after the appointment. Of course, you also need your baby’s essentials.

Utilize The Toys

If there are toys and puzzles in the waiting room, let your children play until it is time for their appointment. Most of the time, there are tables and chairs to keep your children occupied and in one place until it is their turn.

Engage in Storytime

Whether you make up a story or read from a book, storytime can keep them focused as they sit next to you or play with the toys. You can even ask them to help you tell the story, which keeps them from running around the office.

Green Light the Devices

There may come a time when only a TV episode or movie keeps children still. If you need a little help keeping the kids from becoming fussy, it is okay to use smartphones and tablets as they wait for their appointments.

If you’re looking for a trustworthy kids’ dentist in Tinley Park, look no further than Chicago kiDDS Pediatric Dentistry. Visit to learn more and schedule an appointment online.

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