Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by abnormal breathing patterns during sleep. At best, people with this disorder may snore and have trouble feeling rested. At worst, they may stop breathing in their sleep, putting their health at risk. Fortunately, decades of research have helped scientists understand how to diagnose and treat sleep apnea effectively. Here are three examples of possible treatments for people with this disorder.
Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea
The CPAP, or “continuous positive airway pressure,” is a type of machine that treats sleep apnea by pumping air through a mask, which is worn during sleep. The air helps to keep your airway open to curb snoring and maintain normal, consistent respiration as you sleep. This is the most common and well-known treatment for this disorder.
2. Surgery
When a CPAP machine fails to improve symptoms, surgery may be recommended as a form of sleep apnea treatment in Mission Viejo, CA. The surgery may entail removing some of the tissue in the throat, repositioning the jaw, or reshaping the upper palate, depending on the patient’s needs.
3. Medication
There are no medications to treat sleep apnea directly, but certain ones can help alleviate symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life. For example, stimulants to fight daytime sleepiness, hormones to encourage better sleep, and nasal decongestants to help with breathing have all been used successfully to improve sleep apnea symptoms.
Get the Help You Need
Sleep apnea affects people differently, so it’s important to consult a physician if you’re experiencing sleep issues. For effective sleep apnea treatment in Mission Viejo, CA, contact Integra Health, PC.