If you think that lightning damage is something that occurs infrequently and you don’t really need to worry about it, then you definitely want to think again. In fact, there are plenty of reasons why installing a lightning protection system.
Fire Protection
A lightning strike can easily ignite any combustible material that makes up your home, including wood, insulation, active gas lines, as well as a host of others. To prevent this from happening, the protection system diverts the electrical current coming from the lightning away from the home, where it is dissipated and rendered harmless.
Electronics Protection
With virtually every home in the country containing an abundance of electronic devices, not having a system protecting them from lightning is putting them at great risk. Even a minor power surge can destroy all of the electronics in your home. Incidents like this are not typically covered by a warranty or insurance, either, so you are facing expensive replacement costs as well. A prevention system will alleviate any of these worries for you and keep all of your gadgets safe and sound.
Safety First
Since a lightning bolt is literally pure electricity, there is a very real risk of getting electrocuted when your home is struck by one. Anything metal in or around your home, including faucets, radiators, fences, and many other items could potentially deliver a fatal shock to anyone who touches it while the current is traveling through it. A lightning protection system can prevent this from happening.
If you want the ultimate in electrical protection for your home, please contact Continental Power Corporation at Continentalpowercorp.com