Understanding The Role of a Criminal Lawyer in Rochester, MN

by | Feb 6, 2014 | Law

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Public knowledge of how the legal system and criminal system works is commonly derived from information in movies and television shows. Many make it a habit of watching their favorite police shows and courtroom dramas and suddenly think they know everything there is to know about the United States justice system. While there is some truth to these movies and television shows portrayal of the law, there are also a lot of things that are far from accurate.

Another consideration is that the state the show may be portraying may have a different law than the state you live in. Another misrepresentation of the experience of going through a criminal case; most of these television shows lead you to believe that the criminal court process happens fairly quickly. In real life, the criminal court process is something that can be drawn out for months and even years!

The role of a Criminal Lawyer in Rochester, MN is also very different from what you see on television. This is a lawyer who is responsible for advocating for an individual who has been accused of a crime. This lawyer’s role is to protect the rights of their client and assure that they get a fair trial.

The role of a Criminal Lawyer in Rochester, MN begins when they walk into the courtroom for your first trial. At that time, the lawyer must be familiar with every detail of your case. It is not uncommon for lawyers and law firms of this nature to have a private investigator on retainer that they can use to dig deeper into your case to gather more information. Their goal is to collect information that can poke holes in the prosecutor’s story.

It is a common misconception that your Criminal Lawyer in Rochester, MN has to be able to prove that you are innocent. The reason this is not how it works is because you are innocent until you have been proven guilty. It is the prosecution who has to prove that you are guilty. All your defense lawyer has to worry about is poking enough holes in the defense of the prosecution to prevent them from being able to prove that you are guilty. Your Criminal Lawyer in Rochester, MN could decide to do this by proving your innocence, but it is not necessary. Their main goal should always be preventing the prosecution from proving your guilt.