Enhance your smile with whiter teeth

by | Feb 20, 2014 | Dental Care

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There are many people who have nice teeth, well formed and free of major defects but they are stained and discolored. In a case like this what could be a beautiful, bright and radiant smile is greatly diminished. Fortunately this is a problem that can be easily rectified with teeth whitening in Montreal. It is not difficult to whiten your teeth, there are even home treatments but they are not as good nor as long lasting as the treatments you can expect from the dentist.

Although many people are great candidates for the process, there are others that are not. If you have had restorative procedures performed in the past which include bonding, the use of white fillings or veneers then the process will be of limited value as the chemical that is used cannot penetrate these materials. The materials that are used during dental restoration are picked at the time to match the natural teeth that have not been treated; these colors are fixed and once used, cannot be changed. If you go ahead and have teeth whitening done, these restored teeth will stand out as now they will be very dull compared to the teeth that have been whitened.

It may also be that teeth that have had a root canal performed will also not take to whitening and natural teeth that favor a brown or gray tint also will not fare well. The best teeth for whitening are those that favor yellow.

The process of teeth whitening in Montreal is quite simple and straight forward. It must be understood that the first lawyer of a tooth is the enamel. It may appear that it is the enamel that gives the teeth their white color, this is not the case. Enamel is clear or at least semi-translucent, what you see is the second layer which is the dentin. The hue of the dentin is what gives your teeth their color. The objective is to whiten the dentin, this is done by painting the teeth with a solution containing peroxide, it opens the pores of the enamel and the solution goes through into the dentin and whitens it.

Do not think that teeth whitening is a once in a lifetime process, it is not. Your teeth will continue to stain from smoking and the food and beverages you eat and drink. You will have to have the process repeated to keep your pearly whites.

If you have been thinking of teeth whitening in Montreal you are welcome to call Retter Dental care and make an appointment.