How to Spot Good Rattan Dining Sets

by | Feb 21, 2014 | Furniture

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When it comes to wicker, which is the art of weaving certain furniture sets, rattan stands a cut above the rest. Rattan is widely known as a natural or organic wicker material.  So when it is used as the core material in indoor/outdoor rattan dining sets, consumer interest is undoubtedly piqued.  Here are a few tips on how to spot good wicker dining sets made from rattan.

What is Rattan?
Many refer to rattan wicker furniture as tropical or island furniture because it is made from the fibers and resins of rattan canes and vines.  Rattan is actually a palm species that has strong similarities to bamboo. This type of wicker is lightweight, durable, exotic and inexpensive.  Because of these qualities, rattan is quickly becoming a real crowd pleaser when it comes to wicker dining and furniture sets. Additionally, rattan is one of the few types of wicker that is excellent for both indoor and outdoor furniture equally.

Where Does Rattan as a Material Come From?
As stated previously, rattan is more or less a type of wicker that is derived from palm cane and vines.  Does this mean that rattan comes from the Caribbean? No. Actually, most rattan comes from the South Pacific and Indian Ocean coastal regions.  Countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam are core places that export rattan as a material to other countries that actually turn the material into the furniture that is out on the market today.  It is not uncommon for certain rattan furniture sets to be made in America.

How to Keep Rattan Dining Sets Clean
Cleaning rattan is quite simple and can be done quickly and with ease.  A gentle wipe down of the furniture with a damp cloth is all that is needed in order to care and maintain any rattan wicker furniture.  There is no vacuuming, hosing or heavy dusting needed. This makes having a rattan furniture set all the more attractive. Additionally, unlike other types of wooden furniture, rattan does not have to be slathered with oil or reshaped.  Furthermore, it is considered an all weather type of wicker.  It can be used indoors or outdoors.

If you are in the market to purchase rattan dinning sets, it may be worthwhile to shop around.