Hiring a Criminal Lawyer in Chicago for a Juvenile Case

by | Feb 24, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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There are separate criminal justice systems for juveniles and adults, and those systems are different in numerous ways. Their differences vary from one state to another, but in most cases:

  • A juvenile cannot be prosecuted for a crime, but for a delinquent act. If a delinquent act is serious enough, a juvenile can be charged and tried as an adult.
  • Juveniles don’t get public jury trials. If a minor is charged, the trial involves a hearing in front of a judge, who examines the evidence and decides whether the minor is delinquent.
  • Once a child has been adjudicated delinquent, the court determines what actions to take. In juvenile court, this stage is different because of its purpose. In the adult criminal justice system, the goal is punitive; in juvenile courts, the goal is to protect and rehabilitate the child while serving their best interest.
  • Juvenile criminal proceedings are usually less formal than adult legal matters. For instance, rules concerning evidence admissibility may be broader, giving your
  • Criminal Lawyer Chicago
  • more leverage.

A primary difference between adult and juvenile justice systems is in their goals. For the juvenile criminal system, the main goal is to reform and rehabilitate the offender so they can one day become a productive member of society. The focus is on sentences such as diversionary programs, parole and probation, which keep offenders out of prison.

Similarities Between Adult and Juvenile Justice Systems
Though the adult and juvenile systems have many substantial differences, there are still many similarities to consider. Primarily, offenders in these systems keep most of the same rights, such as:

  • The right to legal counsel
  • The right to question and cross-examine witnesses
  • The right to plead the Fifth Amendment (protects against self-incrimination)
  • The right to hear the charges being faced
  • The right to have the charges proven beyond a reasonable doubt before a conviction takes place

Hiring an Attorney for a Case Involving Juvenile Delinquency
If you or someone you know is accused of a criminal or delinquent act, you should talk to a Criminal Lawyer Chicago right away. America’s legal system is complex, and there can be severe consequences involved, no matter how minor the charge may be. John Fitzgerald Lyke Jr. can advise you of your legal rights, and help you form a strategy to prevail in court.