How To Get DWI Insurance in Kent

by | Feb 26, 2014 | Insurance

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There is not exactly any one type of DWI automobile insurance that is just for individuals who have a DWI on their driving record. The reason why you might hear someone say they have DWI Insurance in Kent is because the cost of automobile insurance with a DWI on your record and without is going to be very different. This is also why anyone who has ever been convicted of a DWI will tell you that one of the ways it ruins your life is financially. Insurance providers have a hard time trusting someone who has been convicted of a DWI; and they consider them to be a huge liability. There is always going to be a risk that you will drive while intoxicated and cause an accident that the insurance provider would be financially responsible for.

When you are looking for DWI Insurance Kent you have to come to terms with the fact that it is not going to be easy. Once you have a DWI on your record you are considered to be a high risk driver. Even some of the major insurance providers across the United States have been known to drop customers when they get a DWI on their record. It is not uncommon for some of the major providers to want you to have a clean record for three to five years before they will consider covering you.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to fight the charges against you. You need to hire a lawyer and try to get your charges reduced. If you can prevent your driving privileges from being suspended your insurance provider is not always going to know about the DWI on your record right away. It is not until the provider checks your rates and record that they would know. Most people only have their auto insurance provider check their rates once every year.

If getting the charges dropped is not an option, you need to look for insurance providers that are high risk providers. While you will still have to pay a high premium, you do not have to worry about not having coverage. Just like when you went shopping for insurance in the past, you should still compare various high risk providers before you settle on one.

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