The Importance of Having Your Child Seen at the Pediatric Dentist in Richmond VA

by | Mar 14, 2014 | Dental Health

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Working to keep your child healthy is one of your most important roles as a parent. You do all you can to make sure they receive the best medical treatment possible, so they do not experience heath problems. As a part of keeping your child healthy, you also need to make sure their oral health is not compromised. Good oral health assists your child’s body in being in good overall health and prevents the common oral health concerns that can cause permanent damage and tooth loss. To help ensure your child stays as healthy as possible, it is important to schedule routine dental visits with the pediatric dentist in Richmond VA.

What Can You Expect From Preventative Appointments Provided by Your Child’s Dentist?
When it comes time for your child to begin seeing the pediatric dentist in Richmond VA, you may feel a little nervous and unprepared for what to expect. If you are fully aware of what will occur during the appointment, you will feel better ready to prepare your child. Since these appointments are so crucial for your child’s oral health, it is imperative they are not bypassed. Through your child’s dentist, he or she can have the healthiest teeth possible, allowing them to have healthy adult teeth as well.

As you bring your child into the dentist, you will be asked to supply information on his or her health history. It is imperative you provide as much accurate information as possible, because this will be used to treat your child. Since much of your child’s health can be affected by dental conditions, the dentist will need to know if he or she has been experiencing any health concerns. Once a health history has been determined, your child will have his or her teeth cleaned. Depending on the age of your child, the dentist may have you to hold him or her, to help in avoiding any nervousness or fear.

The cleaning process will involve a gentle cleaning, along with a Fluoride treatment. If your child is over the age of five, he or she will also have an X-ray taken. Through the dental exam, any issues with your child’s dental health will be discussed and a treatment plan will be put into motion.

If your child is in need of dental care, visit They can help your child to keep their oral health at its very best.