Understanding the meaning of “Everlasting Water”

by | Apr 3, 2014 | Religion

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Are you familiar with the woman Jesus meets in Samaria? During his travels he comes upon a woman at a well. As she draws water from the well as she does everyday Jesus offers her the gift of everlasting water. The woman does not understand that Jesus is offering her salvation and using the words everlasting water to represent her salvation by finding God.

A Free Personal Prophecy can often demonstrate how everlasting water can come to you. When you find God you are being given the gift of sustenance through his undying love. You will be humbled to understand his power and glory and learn how it is easy to walk in the light of his love.

Everlasting water is everlasting love found through your faith in God. Christians rejoice in their lives and even in death because they know that those who are pure of heart will see God. When you choose to live your life with the love offered through salvation with your faith in God you will rejoice in coming ever closer to him through life and even into death.

God’s love is powerful and allows you to live without fear. Your fear should only be reverence for God. When you kneel in prayer you offer yourself up to him and put your life in his hands with complete trust he will watch over you and provide you with everlasting water. God wants you to live your life with the knowledge that a life lived well filled with brotherly love and devotion to God will be long and prosperous leading to a life everlasting.

Jesus showed Christians that there was true everlasting life when he was resurrected. Through his resurrection we were offered a drink of everlasting water. We were offered the proof and asked to drink at the well which was faith. This is a gift we should never refuse as it is the truth that will set you free and provide you what you need to be happy.

Understanding that the true gift of Christianity is everlasting water, the promise and truth of living with God in heaven forever provides us all with the strength to overcome difficulty and learn to trust that God will welcome us in heaven for everlasting happiness.

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