A Few Tips From the Heating and Cooling Specialists Will Keep You Cool This Summer

by | May 12, 2014 | Air Conditioning

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Some years summer comes roaring in, other times it seems to sneak up on us. However summer arrives, it’s about time and we’re glad to see it! Here are a few tips on how to stay cooler this summer.

Cool Yourself

  • Wear cotton! It breathes and keeps you cooler. There’s a reason that people living in tropical climates wear cotton clothing.
  • Smaller, frequent meals are not only healthier but help keep you cooler than big, heavy meals. Your metabolism won’t have to work overtime.
  • Cool down the sheets before going to bed with a hot water bottle filled with ice water. The ‘ice’ water bottle will also feel good on legs. Cotton sheets feel cooler than other fabrics.
  • Water is your best friend in summer. Of course, keeping hydrated is critical. Beyond that, a small spray bottle can be filled with water and adjusted to spray a fine mist. Instant cool.
  • Wet hair or a wet bandanna will keep your head cool.
  • A 10-second session at the sink holding your wrists under cold water will help you to feel cooler for about an hour.
  • Take a swim in the pool

Cool Your Home

  • Ensure that the air conditioner is running as efficiently as possible. Regular maintenance and clean filters will save money while cooling the home.
  • A programmable thermostat can be set to match the user’s schedule. This is especially valuable for people who are out of the home a lot. Over time, it saves money while still maintaining the desired temperature when everyone is home.
  • Fans don’t cool, but they do move the air, making people feel just as comfortable with the A/C set a couple degrees higher.
  • It’s an old tactic that our grandmothers always used, but it still works. Close blinds or drapes during the hottest part of the day.

Four Seasons Heating & Cooling know how to make sure that their customers will stay cool and comfortable this summer. Between them, the owner-operators, Steve Springstroh and Gary Hinkens, have over 100 years of combined experience. They understand that if their customers aren’t happy, they don’t have a business. These Heating and Cooling Specialists provide fixed, guaranteed prices for repairs or installations, since they also know that everyone hates to be told one price and then end up paying more. For more information, browse their website at website URL.