What You Need To Know About Veneers in Salem, OR

by | May 22, 2014 | Dental Services

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Discolored, misaligned, crooked, chipped, or widely spaced teeth are the most common dental problems that many people in the country are struggling with. Thanks to advances in dentistry technology, as such problems can now be corrected through porcelain veneers. This dental procedure is not complicated, and the end result is always admirable. Dental veneers come in different types and brands; your cosmetic dentist will help you in choosing the best dental veneers in Salem, OR.

Procedure involved

The dentist will first remove about 0.5 millimeters of the enamel, then measure the remaining part so that he can know the size of the veneer to be made. He will then send these measurements to the lab and give you another appointment, probably 2-3 weeks-the duration that veneers normally take to be fabricated. On the appointed day, the dentist will first test if the veneers are your size by placing on your teeth. If not, he shapes them to properly fit your teeth. He then cleans the teeth, applies special cement on the affected tooth and installs the veneers. The dentist will then use a beam of light to make the chemicals in the cement react and bond well to the tooth.


Porcelain Veneers in Salem, OR can be imitated to match the color and appearance of your original teeth. This means that nobody will be able to notice that you have undergone a dental procedure. Research has also shown that porcelain reacts best with gum tissue therefore causing minimal complications. Veneers also provide a permanent solution to your dental problems so once they are placed all your worries and discomforts are kept at bay.


After the placement of dental veneers in Salem, OR, the process cannot be reversed. In case you get involved in an accident and the veneer cracks, well, you may have to live with it for the better part of your life-they are not repairable. The removal of the enamel may cause you to experience teeth sensitivity, especially when you take things that are very hot or cold. Apart from that, veneers are costly compared to other dental procedures.

Salem Riverfront Dental, LLC, has qualified cosmetic dentist offering the best dental solutions.