A Brief Look at Aluminum Anodizing

by | Mar 29, 2018 | Plating

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Did you realize that aluminum anodizing is what allows satellites to remain safe in the harsh environment that is outer space? Yet, this metal finishing technique is also what is used on escalators in the mall or to make many home appliances. Of course, and as is the case with almost anything in the world, not all aluminum anodizing is alike. It has to be done to the highest standards if it is to perform as expected.

Anodizing is an electrochemical process, and it results in the creation of an aluminum oxide film on a metal surface. If done properly it creates an amazingly hard and flawless surface that can be counted on to insulate both thermally and electrically. It is not a topical coating, but is instead integrated into the actual metal, and this is what makes it so incredibly wear resistant.

There are several types of aluminum anodizing available, with the following properties:

 * Type II is to make a metal resistant to corrosion and to help it maintain an attractive appearance

 * Type II is capable of being colored and has the same performance properties as Type II. It is also smoother, harder, and far more wear resistant.

There are many methods and technologies at work where aluminum anodizing is concerned, and processes like the patented DiamonDyze are seen as superior. This treatment enhances the already durable properties of anodizing and makes surfaces even more resistant to wear and corrosion than before. Other methods include the use of pretreatment, grounding, color coating and curing. There are also a range of coloring processes that allow the metals to be used in a surprising number of applications.

What makes aluminum anodizing so interesting to many industries, however, is the fact that it is considered an environmentally safe process that does not create the harmful effects on water, land or air as other metal finishing processes are known for. Used, as stated to coat metals in satellites, it is also at work in some of the world’s tallest buildings, used to create low maintenance exterior surfaces like roofs, applied to computer hardware, scientific instruments, and building materials. Thus, it is a great choice for a long list of industries.

Anodizing comes with many benefits and those include that it is a durable material with color stability, it is easy to maintain, esthetically appealing, lower in cost and far healthier and safer than many other processes.