A Car Accident Attorney in Hartford WI can Help with a Negligence Case

by | Nov 11, 2013 | Lawyers

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Just like with other kinds of accidents, determining who’s at fault after a car crash involves finding the negligent or careless party. In most cases, common sense dictates whether a cyclist, pedestrian or driver has acted in a careless manner, but you might not know if that person broke any laws. You can strengthen your negligence claim if there’s documentation; below, you’ll find out where to find such proof.

Accident/Police Reports

If law enforcement came to your accident scene, especially if there were injuries, it’s likely that an accident report was written. Your local police department’s traffic division can tell you how to obtain a copy of the report. Some police reports state the officer’s opinion that a party violated a traffic law, which caused the accident.
Other reports mention negligent acts without stating that they caused the collision. Regardless of the nature of the report, any mention of negligence or traffic violations by another party can help you and your car accident attorney Hartford, WI prove that they were at fault.

Wisconsin Traffic Laws

You can also prove the other driver’s negligence or fault by reading up on Wisconsin’s traffic laws (the vehicle code). Simplified versions of the code can be found at the DMV, and the full code can be found at a public or law library. Look for listings which may pertain to your crash, and if you find one, copy the statute number and rule word-for-word so you can reference it when negotiating with your insurer.

No Doubt Liability

There are certain types of accidents where the other party is almost always at fault, and where insurers hardly ever contest the finding. For example, rear end collisions are always the other driver’s fault. One of the most basic rules of the road is to be able to stop safely if there’s upcoming traffic; if a vehicle can’t stop safely, the driver behind is to blame.

A car turning left is almost always at fault in a collision with oncoming traffic. Exceptions are difficult to prove, but can happen if:

* The other car was speeding

* The other car ran a red light

* You turned safely but unforeseen circumstances caused you to stop or slow down

Proving negligence in a car accident can be difficult, and it’s a job that should be left to a car accident attorney Hartford, WI. For advice specific to your case, visit website domain.