A Caring Place for Effective Addiction Recovery & Mental Health Services

by | Nov 14, 2018 | Mental Health

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While there seem to be many styles of addiction recovery facilities and treatment programs, an important element in recovering from substance abuse is the caring support of trained addiction counselors, peer support and other supportive staff members. Here in MN, there is such a caring place that offers effective addiction recovery and mental health services in a nurturing, supportive and client-based environment. This is a treatment program that works, and the therapy is based on current new principles in mental health and addiction recovery treatment services developed by experts that are in-tune with current community issues related these treatment categories.

A new approach to addiction recovery and various forms of mental health counseling and treatment programs are the sensitive additions of counseling methods that are trauma informed Minneapolis clients often require for true inner healing. Any good addiction recovery program will also include concurrent mental health diagnosis and treatment as well. This helps the client address those inner issues that are generally found to be a cause for escaping with drugs or alcohol in the first place. These therapies should also be gender responsive for maximum effectiveness. A terrific trauma informed Minneapolis mental health and addiction recovery treatment program is helping scores of individuals young to more mature every day.

The struggle to overcome past traumatic events and drug or alcohol addiction often coupled with un-diagnosed or untreated mental health disorders can be hard at the very least. Having a safe place filled with compassionate addiction and mental health counselors who truly understand the trials and struggles of their clients can make a world of difference to someone hurting and needing help. Along with specialized addiction recovery education, counseling and supportive therapies, individuals and their families can get trauma informed Minneapolis services at River Ridge Recovery. Call now, or visit https://www.riverridgemn.com