It is no secret that alcohol addiction and substance abuse contribute to aggression as well as to impaired behavior. Therefore, substance abuse has to be addressed before a person can learn new behavioral skills. Oftentimes, those who are responsible for inflicting Domestic Violence in Tacoma WA need to be treated for substance abuse as well as for their aggressive behavior.
What most people can expect when seeking treatment for domestic violence is to undergo a full and thorough evaluation. This entails an interview during which all court paperwork is reviewed, and the client can also expect to undergo some testing as well. Once the evaluation is complete, clients get the results. If the client has been jailed, evaluations make still take place, although these will most likely be paid for in advance. It is at this point that some type of anger management course will be indicated. These coincide with domestic violence treatment classes that may last for a full year.
When clients seek help for Domestic Violence in Tacoma WA, they often receive what is referred to as action counseling. This is a means of counseling for those whose lives have been negatively affected by the abuse or addiction to drugs and alcohol. Also provided to clients is treatment for anger issues and domestic violence charges. These services may include domestic violence counseling, outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, group and individual counseling, alcohol and drug information school, as well as anger management courses and many other services. Family law assessments may also be available where topics such as divorce and guard ad Litems are discussed.
When clients’ have gotten into trouble with the law due to alcohol or drugs, the courts will make them complete an alcohol or drug assessment. If clients’ have family law cases, they still may be asked to complete an assessment, although that doesn’t necessarily mean they have a problem. If clients’ have been arrested on drug or alcohol related charges, they can expect the treatment center to conduct interviews including a thorough review of the police report as well as the clients’ criminal past.