When a driver rear-ends another vehicle, it’s common for someone in the vehicle that got hit to develop Neck Pain in Clarksville TN. Rear-end collisions typically cause the head to jerk abruptly and with no control, which injures the neck. This condition is known as whiplash. Even if neck pain doesn’t occur immediately or within a few days, it can occur later on. This is a primary reason legal experts encourage accident victims not to accept insurance company settlements too quickly. They may experience problems later that are directly related to the accident, but now have no legal recourse to obtain extra compensation if they have already accepted a settlement.
Neck Pain in Clarksville TN due to whiplash usually occurs within several hours to a few days. However, some individuals don’t begin experiencing neck pain for weeks or even months. That’s because the injury may involve a complicated relationship among nerves, muscles, ligaments and vertebrae. The injury could be aggravated in the future just from the normal use of the neck during activities such as looking overhead or turning the head to see something.
When negotiating a settlement with an insurance company soon after the accident, injured persons may want to ask for an amount for future medical treatment that they could use at a center such as Ft. Campbell Chiropractic. Health insurance often does not cover chiropractic care or other alternative therapy, so the additional amount in a settlement would be valuable if neck pain eventually develops.
It’s best to seek conventional medical care soon after the accident so a physician can evaluate the person’s neck and back. The doctor may recommend X-rays or other diagnostic imagery to see whether any injury is visible. With the physician’s documentation, the patient has a better chance of verifying that future medical treatment may be necessary, even if symptoms are not in evidence now. The injured person also will be interested to learn that about half of people who suffer whiplash due to an accident still experience painful symptoms years later. This can be verified through online research, and the information can be included in documentation sent to the insurer.
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