An inductor, which is a passive electronic component, is not responsible for any power gain or amplification. Instead, the use of an inductor is to prevent current changes through the system by storing energy passing through it in a magnetic field.
The current passing through the wire or winding around a ferromagnetic, plastic or ceramic core, allows the energy to build up in the coil. As long as the current stays the same, the field is maintained. When the current through the wire changes, there is a change in voltage, which is registered by the energy stored in the magnetic field. To restore the original voltage the energy is released in an opposite charge.
While there is a range of different standard type of inductors, the specialized role they play in the transfer of power through a system means that they have to be responsive to the needs of that system. In many applications, particularly with new equipment and products, custom inductors have to be created to match those requirements.
Shape and Size
The choice of custom inductors starts with an understanding of the shape and size of the physical elements of the design. Some shapes and sizes are small and compact while others may need to larger to accommodate the specifics of the electronic or electrical device.
There are also inductors that are a single phase or three-phase that are used in power plants and substations. Some inductors are very small and can be used on power cords to remove electronic noise.
Other Factors
When designing any size of custom inductors, it is important to work with a company with experience and expertise in design, engineering, and manufacturing. Assistance in choosing the core material, the design and configuration as well as the specific winding or coil pattern will also be essential in getting the most efficient inductor that is designed for the application.