An RCMS Can Give Your Clinic a Discernable Advantage Against Competitors

by | Sep 16, 2019 | Healthcare

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The fundamental differences between a large medical treatment facility and urgent care treatment centers require appropriate accommodation to the respective service models. Urgent care revenue cycle management services offer a great way to support a service model that is reliant on multiple but non-contiguous patient interactions. A revenue cycle management service (RCMS) allows for a comparative level of reliability and accuracy as the offices of a larger institution while being easier to set-up and keep running.

Incredible Up-time and Easy Integration

Because an RCMS is cloud-based, the up-time for the system is high. Furthermore, the cloud nature of the system allows for the platforms to be implemented at various institutions with relative ease. Instead of relying on large, costly, and difficult to manage on-site servers, each cooperating entity can be linked to the RCMS very quickly.

Increases Accuracy and Eliminates Waste

Using a unified and cloud-based solution eliminates the risk of redundant information. It also boosts the accuracy of patient files and data. Both of these are facilitated by the system which disseminates a patient interaction-billing protocol which is standardized.

Increases Patient Satisfaction

The RCM is extremely responsive. Because there are real-time eligibility checks, patients are not kept waiting long periods of time to receive service. Furthermore, an RCMS allows for faster billing. So, patients are receiving quick service as in-takes and when they go home. This streamlined process of quick intakes, accurate patient data that is easily accessible, and prompt and proper billing will result in a better perception of your service by the customer.

The challenges of operating an urgent care treatment center can be very different than for larger medical institutions. Because of the nature of the service model, more efficient solutions must be implemented to provide comparable or better service. One of the best ways that you can make up the obvious difference in administrative and funding capacity is to take advantage of an urgent care revenue cycle management service.

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