Archival Services are Not Just About the Past

by | Apr 21, 2016 | Business

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The term “archival services” calls to mind visions of the past or what once was and what needs to be tucked away for later generations to discover but that is an antiquated way to think of what “archival” really means. In today’s fast paced information age there is so much information, so much history that losing pieces of the history is not that far-fetched of an occurrence. Having services that can map out the massive amounts of historical information not only to show where a business has been but to help move it forward as well can be a very valuable service.

Protecting Your Assets

Content, heritage information, communications, letters and other information are assets as much as your office furniture and electronics are. They are your businesses assets that can be utilized in a host of different ways.  Destroying these assets or losing track of them can really be detrimental to your business. The past can be the key to the future.  There are some key benefits to using services that can effectively archive your “valuables”. Archived information can be used for:

   *   Litigation support should you need it
   *  Developing new product lines
   *  Asset use
   *  Planning and information sharing

You never know when your business will have to defend a practice or when it will have to call into question another businesses practice. Being able to provide documentation that the “idea” was your companies or that there was an agreement reached. Using archived information to produce new product lines can help to save on costs. Content and other marketing material is an asset that you can always use later.  Having access to historical information can help with planning future projects and can help to share information with partners and shareholders.

The History Factory offers solutions for archiving information that can help your business in the future!