One of the best ways to prevent many kinds of health problems is to get a dental check up every six months. However, if you suffer from dental phobia or panic at the thought of sitting in a dentist’s chair, then going to the dentist can seem like walking across an active volcano. For many people with dental phobia, going to a Sedation Dentist in Wichita KS or elsewhere is the perfect way for them to get their teeth checked while they do not panic. You do have to meet certain health requirements before going under sedation.
Can You Handle Anesthesia?
A Sedation Dentist in Wichita KS or elsewhere calms you by hooking you up to an IV unit that pumps anesthesia into your body. You may not be entirely asleep but stay in a twilight state. You may or may not remember what happened. General anesthesia is used. You need to ask your doctor if you are healthy enough for general anesthesia. Some people with health conditions like morbid obesity are at risk whenever they go under anesthesia because they need more anesthesia to sedate them than someone at a more normal weight.
Can You Get A Ride Home?
Many people who go to a sedation dentist are able to drive themselves home after a short time resting and recovering at the dentist’s office. Some people are still greatly impaired after sedation and cannot drive themselves. It’s best to get someone to drive you home. Your dentist office’s staff may be able to recommend a good taxi service for you. It’s recommended to have someone drive you home if you have never gone under general anesthesia before.
Do You Easily Get Nauseated?
One of the most common side effects of sedation used in dentistry is nausea. If you bring anti-nausea medication with you to your appointment it can help you combat the nausea. If you do not have any such medication, ask your dentist about your touchy stomach during your consultation visit. He or she may have anti-nausea medication in the office or could give you a prescription.
In Summary
Sedation dentistry offers many advantages for some people who suffer from dental phobia. If you have more questions about the advantages of sedation dentistry and live in the Wichita area, contact .