Keeping a healthy, beautiful smile takes a lot of work. Unfortunately, not everyone has a healthy smile, even when they have done all they can to protect their oral health. When issues arise and cause tooth loss, people can find it difficult to deal with. Missing teeth cause people to be unable to live a normal life. Not only do they have to worry about their appearance, but they can also find it difficult to eat certain types of food. With Dentures in Edmond OK, a person’s missing teeth can be replaced so they can have a complete smile.
When a person has lost their teeth, or they are severely damaged, they may want to consider Dentures in Edmond OK. The dentures of today are more natural looking than ever before. Dentures can be made to fit precisely inside a person’s mouth so they can feel completely comfortable. Before a person considers dentures, they need to schedule a consultation appointment with the dentist to make sure they are a good candidate.
Those who want dentures must have healthy gum tissue. Those with gum disease or gum lesions will need to wait until their condition is properly treated and healed before they can receive their dentures. It is also important there is ample bone tissue. Unfortunately, bone loss can begin to occur as soon as a tooth is lost or extracted. The dentist will need to check the bone structure of the jaw to make sure it will be able to hold the dentures in place.
Dentures are created from impressions made of the patient’s gum plates. The dentures are temporarily adhered to the gum plates using a special denture adhesive. This adhesive helps to ensure the dentures stay in place as a person chews and speaks so they do not slip around.
If you have been considering dentures, now is the time to learn more. Visit us so you can make an informed decision on whether or not dentures are for you. Call the office today and schedule your consultation appointment so you can learn if you are a good candidate for dentures.
Contact Grady L. Lembke, DDS.