Winter is still going strong but is your furnace? If it got too late in the season and you didn’t get your furnace checked before winter, your furnace may not be working properly or keeping your home as warm as it should. Heating Contractors in Wichita are available 24/7 to keep your furnace in proper working order. If you’re always cold in your home, you may need a new furnace or you may need it checked and serviced by a professional.
If your furnace is more than 10 years old, you probably need a new furnace. The brands on the market today are high-efficiency furnaces that use less energy and cost you less to operate. It is also recommended that you have your furnace checked by Heating Contractors in Wichita yearly before the winter months arrive. Any problems can be corrected in a timely fashion by trained technicians, and you can rest at ease knowing your family will be warm throughout the winter months.
If you hear strange noises coming from your furnace or notice soot on your walls, you need to contact a heating professional. Overtime, fireboxes in furnaces can break down and crack. This becomes a fire hazard and also can leave a black oily residue on your walls and surfaces if you use heating oil for your furnace. If you have a gas furnace, a cracked firebox could lead to carbon monoxide entering your home. Carbon monoxide can be life-threatening to you and your family if the level becomes too high.
Heating Contractors can recommend the proper size of furnace for your home. For example, if you recently added an addition to your home, chances are your furnace will not be able to meet the demands of heating your entire home properly. A professional can determine the square footage of your home and the areas that need to be heated. A new furnace that has a high-efficiency rating can cost you less over time and stabilize the temperature in yours. This way you don’t have to feel cold right before the furnace begins to operate again through the thermostat controls. Don’t be cold any longer this winter when a professional can direct you on the path to a more comfortable living space.
Contact a heating contractor