With respect to Atlanta web design services, the future holds the key to the mobile age – a time that has already introduced itself to designers in Atlanta as well as throughout the world. Responsive web design is the navigational platform of the 21st century.
Therefore, responsive Atlanta web design services will indeed play a crucial role in how visitors interact online now and in the future. In fact, a recent New York Times article suggested that the use of mobile devices has reduced the use of search engine technologies.
As a result, web design services are geared toward developing apps and navigation that is focused on how smartphone users access sites and use the technology. The analogy has been made that mobile apps can be compared to a brick-and-mortar specialty store while a major search engine is better compared to a grocery store.
However, that being said, it is doubtful, if not improbable, that Internet users will stop using the three major search engines online. However, users do expect the same ease of navigation, whether they use their mobile device or PC.
Accommodating Individual Preferences
That’s why it’s important that developers in the Atlanta web design market note the needs of computer and mobile device users to accommodate each of these individual needs. Today, it is clear that customers wish to interact with mobile-friendly websites as well as customized applications.
Creators in the Atlanta web design field have noted that users show differing behaviors when they are searching on their mobile devices versus their PCs. Because the user experience varies, the sites have to be designed accordingly. Many people have a strong preference for utilizing specialty apps on their smartphones rather than taking advantage of search engine technology. Some people simply dislike using a browser in lieu of an app for searching online.
A Need for Expediency
Needless to say, the end-user experience has gone through a dramatic change by the use of the smartphone – almost as drastic as when wireless connections replaced dial-up on the Internet. Users are always seeking a faster and more expedient method of accessing data online.
Therefore, Atlanta web design specialists must keep in mind that keeping the end-user happy is crucial to website design. Responsive Atlanta web design is a must in today’s online marketplace. The design experience utilizes SEO to enhance the user’s experience when sites are accessed through mobile technologies.
Responsive web design features advantages that promote lower overall bounce rates, the ability to gain access to the same content on two different devices, better link building and enhanced site rankings, as well. One responsive site enables search engines to maintain specific analytics and SEO under one URL. All the data is maintained under a single site – good for organization as well as for optimizing big data on a major search engine, too. To learn more visit Website Domain.