Avoid Nasty Sewage Problems With Expert Sewer Installation Service in Vermont

by | Apr 6, 2015 | Home Improvement

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No matter where you live or where you operate your business, you will need some sort of sewage treatment service. For instance, homes and businesses inside of city limits will typically be connected to a municipal sewage treatment system. Dwellings and companies located outside these limits are usually connected to a septic system. To ensure that your sewage system operates properly, it is important to have an experienced Sewer Installation Service in Vermont install your sewer lines. Plus, whenever a problem occurs, a trained sewer installer will know exactly what to look for.

Sewage and septic leaks can cause a lot of troubles. Surprisingly, not all septic problems happen at the tank or main connection. A broken sewer line can leak waste water into the yard and cause you a lot of costly repairs. To determine where the pipes are damaged, the technician may use a specialty tool. This device is a video system connected to a flexible cable, sometimes known as a video snake. This system allows the technician to peer into the pipes and locate faults such as cracks in the pipe wall or other issues. One benefit to this type of inspection is the ability to locate where the problem is before digging out the pipe. This could save you a lot of expensive lawn repair fees.

Sometimes, it is easier to replace the whole sewer pipe in lieu of repairs. Replacement Sewer Installation Service in Vermont may be preferred because old PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) pipe can crack or break from excessive temperature changes. Replacing pipe may also be required for septic systems drain lines. Septic systems use a series of pipes to leach excess effluent into the soil. This allows the water to gradually return to the local water table. If these field lines get damaged or clogged, then the tank will eventually overflow, or the liquid may back up into your home or business. Field lines can be visually inspected just like the main sewer pipes, and they can be cleaned in a similar manner. Sewer lines are generally cleaned with a high-pressure wash to eliminate clogs. If you are having sewage or septic problems, then it is time to contact the experts at Bundy’s Sewer & Drain Service for more information.