Avoiding Any Problems With Your Oral Surgery in Short Hills NJ

by | Nov 9, 2017 | Dentistry

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If a person hasn’t had any type of surgery before, they might be a little worried about undergoing Oral Surgery in Short Hills NJ. Most oral surgery procedures go through without any complications, so patients really don’t have much to worry about. However, there are some things that patients can do to make things a little easier for themselves before, during, and after surgery.

Ask Questions

Anyone who is having Oral Surgery in Short Hills NJ shouldn’t be shy about asking questions. When it comes to any surgical procedure, there really aren’t any dumb questions. Patients aren’t expected to know the ins and outs of surgery. A patient will usually be given a list of things to do to prepare for surgery, but if something isn’t on that list, they should feel free to ask their question(s).

Follow Instructions

Although this seems simple enough, it’s amazing the number of people who seem to not follow basic instructions. If a patient is told not to eat after a certain time prior to the surgery, they should really heed that advice. Doctors aren’t giving instructions just to give them. They have a reason for everything that they tell a patient to do before and after a surgical procedure. Post-surgical instructions are really important to follow in order to avoid complications like infections.

What About Discomfort?

The discomfort associated with oral surgery can vary from person to person. It should be noted that some people just have higher levels of pain tolerance when compared to others. If a person feels like they can’t take the discomfort, they should contact their surgeon and ask for prescription medicine to handle the pain. Over-the-counter medication isn’t enough in some cases. Ice is something that can be used to help with swelling and discomfort early on.

Anyone who thinks they might need oral surgery should contact Westfield Oral Surgery. Some people don’t get problems with their wisdom teeth until they are adults. They might not understand why the back of their mouths is hurting. A trip to the right professionals can help to quickly diagnose any condition that might require surgical intervention.