Baby Boomers Increasingly Choose Non-traditional Funeral Home Services in Oakland, CA

by | Mar 27, 2022 | Cremation

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The United States has a population of around 285 million residents, about two million of whom pass away each year. Of all the states, Florida has the highest percentage of senior citizens, at about 19 percent of its residents. Statistically, this is the age group whose members are most likely to pass away. Families need the assistance of Funeral Home Services in Oakland, CA when managing the practical matters of saying farewell to a beloved relative become necessary.


Many people pre-arrange their funeral, memorial service, burial or cremation so everything is taken care of ahead of time and their adult children do not have to make decisions. They pay for Funeral Home Services in Oakland, CA beforehand as well. This is an especially prevalent action among people 65 years old and older, who understand that the inevitable is going to happen at some point and they are coming closer to it.

Breaking With Tradition

People in the baby boomer generation, currently in the ages of about 53 to 71, increasingly are choosing less traditional forms of funeral services. They want to avoid the cost of full funerals with visitations for showing the deceased person in an expensive casket and everyone feeling obligated to send elaborate floral displays. Instead, they might prearrange a memorial service and cremation, asking that the family scatter their ashes in a favorite place.

Unique Aspects

This generation and the younger ones are more frequently doing something unique to memorialize the deceased person, whether the service is pre-arranged or not. Photo board displays and videos displaying photos are very common now, a change from several decades ago. Favorite possessions that indicate a hobby or creative pursuit may be included at the funeral or memorial service, creating an atmosphere that conveys a strong sense of the person still being there in spirit.

Some ask that the memorial gathering be a celebration of life or even a party. This may be an entirely casual event at a favorite restaurant or even a pub. The ashes are scattered over a lake or the ocean, or another special location. Visit Business Name for information on this particular funeral home.