Biosolids Dewatering Is An Eco-Friendly Waste Disposal Solution

by | Dec 13, 2017 | Waste Management, Waste Management Service

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As residents of Earth, each of us has the responsibility to do everything we can to make sure our planet is being well-taken care of. Properly disposing of all waste is a huge part of this. In recent years, as the amount of waste that must be taken care of has increased, the need to take care of it in a way that is healthy for the environment has also increased. Thanks to a new method of waste disposal that is known as biosolids dewatering, there is now a way in which even the most hazardous and toxic waste can be thoroughly broken down.

How Does Biosolids Dewatering Work?

Biosolids dewatering is a process of waste disposal that makes use of a specific piece of equipment known as a dewatering box. Liquid waste is pumped into the dewatering box. There, it is broken down by filtering all the solids out of the liquid. While a small amount of dry solids including all the grease stays behind, the remainder is wastewater that is sewerable.

Advantages Of Biosolids Dewatering

Of course, one of the biggest reasons why people choose to dewater their liquid waste is because it is environmentally friendly. Instead of being spread out to dry over a large area for several days, liquid waste is very quickly processed in a dewatering box. The solid waste that has been strained out passes the paint filter test. It can be burned or otherwise disposed of by any means necessary. Biosolids dewatering also saves a lot of money in the long run. It will be quite easy for you to run it, as it requires very little maintenance. In addition, you will have the opportunity to choose between a portable and a stationary biosolids dewatering unit.