With all the highway travel that you undoubtedly log, there’s a good chance that you’ve got some substantial rock chips in your windshield. When the weather or temperature changes, there is the distinct possibility that the crack can spread, obstructing your line of vision, or your windshield could crack. When that happens, you’ve got a big problem on your hands, and you need to get it handled right away. Rather than waste an entire day, you should consider calling the professionals at Max Auto Glass in Tucson.
Whether you’d prefer to drop your car off at their location, or you could even have them come to you, there is an option that is sure to work for your situation and preferences. One main advantage of utilizing their mobile service is that they can come to your home or place of work, and get the job done while you end to other things. No need for you to rush off to get the job done, and when you come out to your car after work, your newly replaced or repaired windshield will be waiting for you. Another advantage is that these kinds of companies can work directly with your insurance company, so that way you are paying less out of pocket than if you were going to be paying for the entire cost yourself.
You may be wondering if the area of concern on your windshield would be ideal for a repair, or if it should be replaced. The general rule of thumb is that if a crack extends three inches or more, then the windshield should be replaced. This is for your safety, as well as the safety of the other drivers out on the road, so that a sudden crack does not obscure your vision. However if the crack is under three inches, then is is probable that the skilled technicians at Max Auto Glass in Tucson can repair the damaged area, and minimize the appearance so that you can drive without worrying about the crack.
The bottom line is that by choosing Auto Glass in Tucson, you’re giving yourself the best of the available options out there. Give them a call and get your windshield repair or replacement scheduled sooner rather than later.