Many people find out that their loved one is suffering from a pressure sore or a skin ulcer while in the care of a nursing facility or hospital. These injuries are often signs of neglect or abuse. There are many factors to consider, but a bedsore lawyer in Brooklyn, NY, can help families determine how much compensation they may be due.
Why Do Nursing Home Residents Get Pressure Sores?
A pressure ulcer develops when pressure is put on the skin for long periods. Cutting the blood flow off to a small area can cause the skin to break and a sore to erupt. When a person sits in a chair or lies in bed for a long time without moving, it can cause skin damage. A bedsore lawyer in Brooklyn NY, can investigate the cause.
Stages of Pressure Ulcers
The stage of the injury can be a factor in a settlement case. Stage 1 injuries usually go away quickly, but it’s more serious when the damage progresses to stages 2, 3, or 4. Experienced attorneys will know the law about skin ulcers and neglect. The more advanced stages indicate more severe injuries, and a family may be eligible for a settlement.
Talk to a Bedsore Lawyer in Brooklyn, NY
Experienced neglect and abuse attorneys can estimate how much of a potential settlement might be. If a settlement is in order, it will be based on the severity and the level of neglect or abuse.
If you or your loved one suffered a bedsore or another injury while in a facility’s care, talk to a bedsore lawyer in Brooklyn, NY, about settlement possibilities. Visit the Sinel & Olesen, PLLC for a free case evaluation.