Being accused of driving while under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense. A DUI charge can lead to some very serious consequences. Drivers may be subject to arrest, having their license suspended, face expensive fines, or more serious criminal prosecution. DUI convictions can have a significantly negative impact on the driver’s life, and often even affect future employment opportunities. If you have been accused of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence, it usually a good idea to hire an experienced attorney for DUI in Wichita KS to represent you. While having an attorney will not guarantee a positive outcome for your case, an aggressive defense does usually play a part in legal issues being resolved in your best interest.
If a driver is suspected of driving under the influence, her or she will usually be asked to submit to a field sobriety test. Field sobriety tests measure the driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) against the state’s legal limit. In Kansas, the BAC limit is .02% for drivers under 21 and .08% for drivers 21 and older. Refusal to take the test can result in a mandatory license suspension. If you are pulled over by a law enforcement officer and asked to take a BAC test, remain calm, polite, and cooperative. Most law enforcement vehicles are equipped with video and/or audio recorders, so you should not admit guilt in any way. If you do, even the best attorney will have difficulty may have difficulty having your statement not be used against you. It should be noted that signing a DUI ticket is not an admission of guilt.
Few attorneys specialize solely in DUI representation. An Attorney For DUI in Wichita, KS will usually provide representation in other areas as well. Most local DUI defense attorneys like Rocky Weichman of, also provide representation for personal injury, family law, and criminal law cases. However, since DUI laws change often, an experienced DUI attorney should spend a reasonable amount of time handling DUI cases. An attorney’s familiarity with current DUI and DWI laws is an important asset to helping their clients overcome their charges.