You deserve the best carbon monoxide alarm available in order to protect yourself and your family from a catastrophe. Carbon monoxide is a by-product of the combustion of natural gas. If your home has a natural gas hook-up, it is possible for carbon monoxide to seep into your living spaces. When your gas-powered furnace, clothes dryer, stove top, oven, water heater or other appliance has even a slight malfunction, the waste products of the combustion process might get into your home instead of going out through the ventilation system and dispersing into the outdoor air.
Carbon monoxide is a problem because it displaces oxygen in your red blood cells. Instead of delivering oxygen to your brain and the rest of your body, your blood cells are depleted of oxygen. When you do not get enough oxygen, you will begin to experience symptoms that feel like the flu or another similar illness. You may feel tired, dizzy, light-headed, weak or confused. As more carbon monoxide gets into your home, your symptoms could worsen. You could even pass out from the lack of oxygen.
A carbon monoxide detector alerts you to the presence of too much of this gas in your home. It is critical that you have the best carbon monoxide detector available because there is no other way to detect the presence of this dangerous gas. It has no color, smell or taste. You would not know about an unsafe level of the gas in your home without a detector in place. The detectors can be hard-wired, so if one of them detects carbon monoxide, they all sound.
When you are in search of the best carbon monoxide alarm for your home, contact us at First Alert Inc. You can also learn about our carbon monoxide alarms online at
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