Career Advice – Advice for job-seekers

by | Nov 10, 2011 | Careers And Jobs

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If you are looking for a job then here are some of the career advices that may help you. First rule while seeking a job is to know which type of job will suit you the best and will utilize your potential the most. Always go for the right job.

You must have the right attitude when you go for an interview. One of the most important things that they teach in personality development programs is how to cultivate the right attitude. While in an interview, every question thrown by the interviewer has to be tackled smartly and replied with confidence.

There are many online personality development courses that promise to help you build a positive attitude. But nothing works better than actual practice. Here are some of the frequently asked questions in the interviews that will help you in smart career development.

* ‘Tell me about yourself’, is perhaps the first, and the most frequently asked question in interviews. Before attending an interview, always have a short and effective statement prepared in your mind. It should not sound rehearsed. Limit it to work-related things, unless asked for more details.

* ‘Why did you leave your last job?’ is also a frequently asked question. It can reflect your career development and goals. You must stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Never speak ill of the organization, supervisors or co-workers. Give a positive reason, mentioning it as a strategic career development move.

* When asked about any relevant experience, always speak about specifics that relate to the job you are applying for. Try to get as close as you can.

* Before going for an interview in any organization always gather knowledge about it. Find out a bit about its history and growth, the current issues and who the major players are.

* Often the interviewers may ask if you are applying for other jobs. The best way to handle this question is to be honest and not spend a lot of time in this area.

* When asked about why you want to work with the organization, be sincere. Relate it to your long-term career goals.

* Another very common question asked in interviews is ‘why should we hire you?’ You can point out how your strengths and assets meet the organization needs

Salary Negotiation:

This can be a critical question during an interview. It may also be the turning point in your career development. Manage it tactfully. You may lose if you answer first. It is better that you do not answer it. Say that it’s a tough question and ask them the range instead. Most interviewers will tell you. Otherwise give them a wide range.