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Why Do I Need a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment is one of the best ways to preserve your natural teeth. Despite the reputation the procedure has for pain or discomfort, modern dentistry has transformed this into relatively pain-free way to save a tooth. A root canal can help to repair, or...

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Repairing a Dislocated Tooth

When your daughter dislocates a tooth while playing hockey, she needs an dentist river north chicago as fast as possible. While you are keeping your daughter calm, pick up the tooth carefully to wrap it in a damp cloth. Use your smartphone to contact your dentist...

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Toothaches Caused by Impaction

If you have a toothache, then you should contact an emergency dentist in Chicago as fast as possible. This type of pain is often caused by an impacted wisdom tooth, and if you delay treatment, then the problem gets worse. When you look inside your mouth, you may...

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