For specific applications, particularly those where there is a need for a synchronous belt, an HTD timing belt is often the best choice. To be very accurate, the choice of this belt type is recommended for High Torque Drive (HTD), which may not apply to all synchronous belt applications.
An HTD timing belt will also have a specific tooth profile which is known as curvilinear. In profile, each tooth on these belts will resemble a half circle, but there are variations in different types of belts as well as the option for custom manufacturing of specific HTD tooth profile requirements.
The Benefits
There are several reasons why the curvilinear tooth profile found on these belts is the best choice in a range of different applications. These belts, as with most timing belts, can be made of different materials and fibers to add strength to the belts. This also assists in issues with elongation with this type of timing belt.
These belts are built to not only have a long-life cycle but to be incredibly strong compared to other belts of the same size. One of the reasons the HTD timing belt lasts longer even in high torque applications is the tooth configuration. The semi-circular or curvilinear design distributes the stress on each tooth more uniformly over a larger area, limited stress on the individual teeth.
With this added strength is the ability to design a more compact and streamlined belt. For custom orders for Original Equipment Manufacturers, this can add to the design by ensuring smaller pulleys and sprockets.
Both custom and standard options in these belts come in a variety of pitches for use across all types of equipment from robotics to computers and even in vacuum cleaners and other types of power applications.