The act of purchasing your first cigar can be extremely challenging. There are so many choices and so much lingo, that you probably wouldn’t know where to start. Whether you are looking to buy cigars online or go into a shop, you will need to know the basics before you get started. If you want to get it right the first time, here are some tips that will help you to be successful.
Buy from a Tobacconists
If you are a first-time cigar buyer then you need to know that buying from a tobacconist is the best way to go. You will find that they have a wide variety of cigars you can choose from and all of their inventory has been taken care of. You also have the added bonus of speaking to expert tobacconists who can help you find a good place to start. It is almost like a classroom for a first-time cigar buyer.
Don’t purchase just one
When you go into a shop or buy cigars online make sure you buy more than one at a time. Do not go overboard, but make sure you buy a few different types so you are able to try enough so you can develop your own personal taste. You will never know for sure which one you will like the best, so it is important to try more than one.
Stick with mild flavors
If you are just starting out with cigar smoking you are going to want to stick with mild flavors. A full-flavored cigar can be very overwhelming so someone who is not used to the taste. Starting with a mild cigar will help you to ease into smoking cigars so you can work your way up to smoking a more full-flavored cigar.
Don’t spend too much
When you are first starting out in the world of cigars, you will want to make sure that you do not spend too much money. If you end up not liking them then you want to waste as little money as possible. Sometimes you find out that it is simply not for you.
If you are not sure where to start it is best to talk to an expert tobacconist to get some advice on what brands and styles you should start with. If you find out that you truly enjoy cigar smoking then you can move on up in the world of cigar smokers.
If you want to buy cigars online that are high in quality and low in price, Pine Cigars is a good place to start.