Claim Child Benefits With the Help of a Tax Accountant in Leatherhead

by | Jun 14, 2022 | Accountants

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If you’re a parent or guardian responsible for a child under 16 or 20 and staying over an approved education or training, you can claim child benefits. It allows such taxpayers to get national insurance credits that count directly toward their state pension. Moreover, the child will automatically get a national insurance number when he hits 16 years. Whether or not you decide to claim child benefits to get these child payments, you will have to fill out the claim form and send it to HMRC. A tax accountant in Leatherhead can look at your eligibility and requirements to see if you are a good candidate for such payments.

You will get a maximum weekly rate of €21.80 if you have one child. Additional children get a maximum weekly rate of €14.45 per child. One must notify the child benefit office when you are paid too much or too little. You can also get the child benefit if you foster, adopt, or look after someone else’s child. Getting a tax accountant in Leatherhead to look at your eligibility and help you contact the child benefits office to assist you in getting national insurance credits is beneficial. The expert will also notify the child benefits office if the client receives too much or too little child’s benefits.

Partnering with a chartered tax accountant in Leatherhead is somewhat beneficial. The expert can notify their clients of tax credits and deductions that can help them reduce their overall tax bills. Furthermore, they understand the UK tax laws and would advise their clients on when to seek such credits. For instance, in child benefits, a parent can start claiming their child benefits as soon as they register for birth. Therefore, getting David Beckman & Co Ltd on board for any tax-related need has proven to be beneficial. Reach out to them at 01737844322 for this and other tax-related needs. They have chartered accountants ready to serve you.