As you grow older, you may develop spots and bumps on your skin. You might initially take no real notice of these blemishes and dismiss them as sun spots or signs of natural aging.
However, your skin could be telling you that it needs specialized medical attention because of these changes to its appearance. You can find out if you need to have spots, moles and other blemishes removed when you visit an experienced medical provider like a skin specialist in Mt Vernon, IL.
Detecting Cancer
The changes to your skin could indicate the presence of melanoma, or a type of skin cancer. At first glance, you might dismiss the mole as simply a small growth or sun spot. In reality, it could be an early sign of cancer.
The doctor you go to for a skin evaluation can determine if you have skin cancer and if it needs to be removed. Your doctor may be able to remove the blemish in his or her office and send the sample in for a biopsy. You can have the cancer removed before it gets worse and spreads uncontrollably.
Your skin specialist in Mt Vernon, IL can also treat conditions like rashes and allergies from which you may suffer throughout the year, particularly during the spring and summer seasons. You can find out more about this type of medical care online. Visit Skin Care Center of Southern Illinois to get more information today.