Consider Filing a Chapter 13 in St. Louis

by | Mar 15, 2014 | Lawyers

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If you are having a hard time with your finances and you aren’t quite sure what options you have available, it may benefit you to sit down and talk with a bankruptcy lawyer. Maybe this is something that you would have never even considered in the past because you don’t want to lose your home and your car. Thankfully, this isn’t always something that has to happen. If you are interested in filing a Chapter 13 in St. Louis, you should be able to continue living in your home, keep driving your car, and continue to pay all of your bills for a reduced amount of money.

The Law Offices of Steven K. Brown will be there to help you as soon as you decide that you are ready. They will talk with your creditors and let them know that you are filing a bankruptcy. At this point, your creditors will usually agree to settle for a reduced amount of money. Because they are settling for less, the amount of money that you have to pay each month is going to go down. This means that you will have a little more money in your pocket so that you can continue to live a comfortable lifestyle.

You will send a check to your Chapter 13 in St. Louis court. At this point, they will distribute the money that you have sent to your creditors. Usually, this is something that you will do for a period of five years. At that point, you will be completely free from your debt as long as you don’t accumulate any more bills. If you are in danger of losing your home or your automobile because you are behind on the payments, don’t do anything until you have spoken with a lawyer. Even if your mortgage company is calling you letting you know that they are going to foreclose on your home, it isn’t too late. You need someone who you can trust. Someone who knows what they are doing and someone who is going to work hard to get your bankruptcy done and over with. Set up an appointment with Attorney Steven K. Brown today and you can get started with this process.