There are many areas in commercial buildings and in homes where a seamless flooring is the best answer to water problems and sanitary concerns. Dirt and germs can get into seams in tile or vinyl flooring. Wood floors and carpets also pose problems in rooms with water or sanitary concerns. So, areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, garages, basements, medical or scientific labs, medical facilities, food preparation areas, warehouses, and commercial buildings may opt for seamless floors to get rid of the inconvenience of seams.
Advantages of Seamless Poured Floors
Seamless poured floors do not have weak places to get caught and ripped. There is no place for dirt and germs to accumulate. Seamless floors are ideal for rooms that must stay sanitized such as chemical labs or medical labs. Food preparation areas are also ideal areas for poured seamless floors. Warehouses and other rooms with vehicles and machines moving across them need seamless floors. Retail buildings do well with seamless poured floors. A Seamless Floor in NY must be properly installed by well-known companies such as Hoffman Floor Covering Corporation. Seamless floors are very durable and cleanable.
Poured floors come in different materials such as urethane, epoxy, acrylic, flexible, self-leveling, or non-skid. So, there is a floor that is correct for every purpose.
Installation Requirements
A Seamless Floor in NY is only as good as its installer. The beauty and durability of seamless floors depend on a smooth subfloor and expert installation. The cement subfloor must be clean and smooth. All imperfections, cracks, and holes must be filled. All residue of chemicals, grease, and old flooring must be removed. When the floor has been properly prepared, the flooring installers will pour and spread the first layer to the proper thickness. Then the fun begins. Chips and flakes of different materials, colors, sizes, and shapes can now be added in attractive designs or in all over patterns.
After the design chips are spread over the base layer, a finish layer will be added. it will protect the design and make the poured floor more durable. The whole floor is then dried and cured to be ready for buffing and polishing. The completed floor will be attractive and strong, with no seams to collect dirt or tear. Poured floors are easy to care for and keep sanitary. Please go to website for additional information. You can also visit on Facebook for more information.