When you find yourself needing money quickly, one of the easiest ways to get it may be sitting in your jewelry box. Sometimes, you may even have old, broken, tangled up chains and other jewelry pieces that you never thought would be worth anything, but when you go to sell jewelry in Los Angeles you will find that it doesn’t really matter if the jewelry is broken or otherwise damaged. This is due to the simple fact that your gold and silver jewelry is worth money in its base state.
You can take a pile of old jewelry in when you want to sell jewelry in Los Angeles and your buyer will sort through each piece, test it to find out what type of gold or silver it is, and will then weigh it and make an offer to you. If you have any type of precious metal jewelry it will be worth cash. This would include 24 karat gold, 18 karat gold, 14 karat gold, 12 karat gold, and 10 karat gold. It will also include sterling silver jewelry. Generally speaking, jewelry pieces that are plated or which feature “rolled gold” are not going to be worth money on the resale market, however exceptions to this rule do exist.
If you have jewelry that you are unsure about, for example you have some old vintage pieces from the 1920s you think may not be worth money since you don’t know if they are real or not, it is always best just to bring them into the store with you when you go to sell jewelry in Los Angeles. Sometimes even if the jewelry may not hold value in terms of the metal, it will have genuine stones like diamonds, sapphires, rubies, or emeralds, for example.
When you need to sell your jewelry you should always try to check around a bit before you make a deal. Make sure that your buyer is reputable and that they regularly buy and sell jewelry in the Los Angeles area. Ask the buyer for how they arrived at the price they are offering you if they don’t tell you initially. Usually, you will find that you end up with a lot more cash than you had thought that old jewelry could be worth!